All state public bodies subject to the provisions of this chapter, any county or city, any town with a population of more than 250, and any school board shall make available the following information to the public upon request and shall post a link to such information on the homepage of their respective official public government websites: View the policy here
1. A plain English explanation of the rights of a requester under this chapter, the procedures to obtain public records from the public body, and the responsibilities of the public body in complying with this chapter. For purposes of this section, "plain English" means written in nontechnical, readily understandable language using words of common everyday usage and avoiding legal terms and phrases or other terms and words of art whose usage or special meaning primarily is limited to a particular field or profession;
2. Contact information for the FOIA officer designated by the public body pursuant to § 2.2- 3704.2 to (i) assist a requester in making a request for records or (ii) respond to requests for public records;
3. A general description, summary, list, or index of the types of public records maintained by such public body;
4. A general description, summary, list, or index of any exemptions in law that permit or require such public records to be withheld from release;
5. Any policy the public body has concerning the type of public records it routinely withholds from release as permitted by this chapter or other law; and
6. The following statement: "A public body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records. No public body shall impose any extraneous, intermediary, or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general costs associated with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general business of the public body. Any duplicating fee charged by a public body shall not exceed the actual cost of duplication. All charges for the supplying of requested records shall be estimated in advance at the request of the citizen as set forth in subsection F of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia."
Town real estate taxes and Town personal property taxes are due on December 5 of each year.
Residents of towns in Virginia must pay real estate and personal property taxes to both the town and the county in which the town is located. Therefore, Boyce residents pay taxes to both the Town of Boyce and the County of Clarke. Taxes paid to Boyce cover services that are not the responsibility of the State or County, such as weekly trash and recycling pick up, landfill payment, street lights, and part-time wages for town manager and code enforcer. Also, the town maintains local streets. The Virginia Department of Transportation does not maintain town owned streets. These are all nice benefits from living in a small town with very low town taxes.
Real Estate value X $ .025 (2 1/2 cents) per $100 assessed = yrly tax
Personal Property value X $ .60 (60 cents) per $100 assessed = yrly tax + fees
The Town of Boyce calculates real and personal property taxes using assessments provided by the Clarke County Commissioner of Revenue.
Motor vehicle decals are not any longer issued. All residents of the Town of Boyce must pay their Personal Property tax each year. The Town motor vehicle license fee ($25) is still collected for the use of town operations.
Town trash service is provided by Freedom Disposal Services. Contact information is provided below.
Freedom will provide trash containers to each household. They also provide recyling on a household by household basis. If you are interested in adding recyling services please contact Freedom Disposal Directly.
5210 Bentonville Rd, Bentonville, VA 22610
- Alluminum cans - cleaned
- Plastic containers - cleaned with lids removed
Newspaper - Magazines
- Other paper
In addition to weekly pick up, Clarke County taxpayers may use the Citizens Convenience Center located at the Frederick County Regional Landfill (near Sulphur Spring Road), or the new Convenience Center on Quarry Rd. in Berryville, for disposal and recycling of items not accepted for weekly house-to-house pick up, such as yard waste (grass clippings, leaves, twigs, and brush) and other items (cardboard, paper, and hazardous items). For more information visit the Frederick County Regional Landfill website here: Frederick County Regional Landfill.