Q: When is trash pickup?
A: Trash pickup is on Fridays – limit two (2) cans of trash. Please remember to put trash out the night before pickup. Collection starts at 7am. Service is provided by Freedom Disposal Service (540) 631-3467Q: Is there a way to find out the history of a piece of property in Boyce?
A: Yes, contact Matt Hoff at the Town Hall and he will assist you.
Q: Do I get charged for water used to wash my car water the yard or fill a pool?
A: Yes, the water and sewer bills from Clarke County Sanitary Authority are based upon all the water that goes through the meter.
Q: Are any of the properties in the Town of Boyce on the Registry of Historic Places?
A: Yes, there were 154 original included in the August 1, 2003 application and approved on March 8, 2004
You can find that original file at:
Q: What are the tax rates for Boyce, VA?
A: The Real Estate Tax Rate is .025/$100 of value. The Personal Property Tax Rate is .60/$100 of value.